
How To Maintain And Restore Laminate Floors

Gorgeous laminate floors are a popular choice in Aotearoa due to their affordability, durability and – of course! – their stunning aesthetics. This versatile flooring option comes in heaps of different looks, so people all over New Zealand and the world have no trouble finding floors that perfectly match their property and their style. 

However, having your floors installed isn’t the end of your responsibilities. You’ll need to correctly maintain your floors if you want them to stay beautiful and strong for many years. 

If any damages do occur, you should know what to do in order to restore your floors so that they’re flawless again.

Don’t worry; laminate floors are surprisingly simple to maintain. Please read on to learn what you should do if you have beautiful laminate flooring installed into your home or commercial property. 



How To Properly Maintain Your Floors

Thanks to their durability and innovative construction, laminate flooring is pretty easy to maintain. You won’t have to stress too much about keeping up with your floor’s care. 

However, you should still do your best to care for your floor correctly to avoid accidentally damaging it. Please consider the following if you want to keep your floors beautiful and strong:

Read The Cleaning Instructions Or Ask For Tips From Your Installers. You may receive a set of maintenance instructions when your lovely new floors are installed. If you do, be sure you thoroughly read through them so you know exactly what to do. You can also ask the company you bought your floors from or your installers about what they think you should do. 

Clean Up Spills And Messes As Soon As You Can. If you notice any spills or messes, clean them up as soon as possible! Leaving spills out can cause nasty stains to form. It’s always best to clean up messes as soon as they happen to keep your space orderly and tidy.

Liquid spills are especially dangerous because the fluid can seep in between the planks of your laminate floors, causing additional damage.

Avoid Overly-Harsh Tools Or Chemicals. Don’t use harsh cleaning tools or chemicals because they could damage the surface of your floors. Avoid tools like steel wool or anything else abrasive that can scratch your floors.

In addition to the tools themselves, steer clear of exceptionally strong chemical cleaners like bleach and ammonia. These substances can significantly damage the top layer of your flooring, even if they’re diluted with water. 

Choose Cleaning Products That Are Specifically Meant For Laminate Flooring. To avoid choosing the wrong chemical cleaners, you can search for cleaning products that are specifically meant for laminate floors. These products are a smart choice because you know you can trust them. 

If you do purchase some laminate-specific products, make sure you properly read the instructions before you use them so you avoid using them incorrectly or using too much. 

Be Mindful Of How Much Water You Use. Similar to liquid spills, too much water can seep in between the planks of your laminate floors and cause swelling and irreversible damage.

You can keep your marvellous floors clean and shiny with a soft mopping. But make sure you don’t use too much water when you mop because a little bit of water could be enough. Or, you could use a dry mop to get rid of dust and debris and use a damp rag for sticky spots.

Protect Your Floors From Damage. Although this isn’t a cleaning tip, it’s still very helpful. Take care to protect your floors from damage. You can prevent furniture-related scratches by using furniture pads on the bottoms of the legs of your chairs, tables, sofas and more. 

If you have pets, make sure you keep their claws neatly trimmed so they don’t scratch your floors. Plus, this is a responsible thing to do anyway to keep your pet happy and healthy. 

How To Restore Scratched, Chipped Or Damaged Floors

If your laminate floors are scratched or damaged, you can restore them:

Fix Scratches With A Wax Pencil. A wax pencil can be rubbed over the scratches on your floor to fill them in. After they’re filled, you can wipe away the leftover wax with a cloth.

Make sure you choose a wax pencil with a colour that matches your floor.

Fix Chipped Corners With Wood Filler. Wood filler can be used to neatly fill in chipped corners. 

Fully Replace Planks That Are Too Damaged. A plank can become too damaged to be fixed with these methods. In this case, you may want the damaged plank to be completely removed and replaced with a nice new one. 

Where You Can Go For Gorgeous Flooring In Aotearoa

Laminate floors are a stunning choice if you want your floors to be beautiful and durable, and the floors we supply at Colthurst Flooring are some of the best. You can view our marvellous selection of floors on our website.

In addition to laminate flooring, we also carry selections of carpet, timber, vinyl and more.

Do you have any questions for us? We’d be glad to give you the information you need. Simply call us on 09 988 9630 to reach our team. 

Colthurst Flooring: Local flooring that you can trust!