
Five Huge Mistakes To Avoid: Reasons To Let Experts Handle Vinyl Flooring Installation

Many people don’t realise how much of an impact flooring has on the overall appearance and comfort of a residential or commercial space until it’s time to install a new floor. Sheet vinyl flooring is a popular choice due to its lovely aesthetics and affordability. But purchasing your new flooring isn’t the only step you need to take; you must also have it installed. 

Some people may think that installing new floors is easy. All you need to do is remove your old flooring and install the new one, right? 

Well, it’s not as simple as it seems. There are heaps of easy-to-make mistakes that are extremely common in DIY jobs, and these mistakes may result in uneven floors, unsightly mistakes and the need to purchase even more flooring to make up for errors made. 

One of the best ways to avoid mistakes is to be aware of them. Plus, there’s a big way to prevent all mistakes altogether. This article will go over five of the most common mistakes made when installing sheet vinyl flooring and how you can avoid them.

Why Choose Vinyl Flooring?

Vinyl flooring is a popular choice for countless New Zealand homes for plenty of great reasons. This flooring is well-known for being:

  • Very Affordable. Everyone deserves nice floors, which is why the price of vinyl flooring is so notable. This is one of your most affordable flooring options when compared to other choices.
  • Robust And Durable. These lovely floors are strong and very durable. They should last for a while!
  • Extremely Versatile. You can find gorgeous vinyl floors in different colours and looks.
  • Wonderfully Comfortable. The smooth surface of sheet vinyl flooring is comfortable and nice to touch.


Five Significant Mistakes That DIY Installers Often Make

Another trait of vinyl flooring is that it’s commonly seen as an ‘easy to install yourself’ kind of flooring. However, that doesn’t mean installing it is as simple as putting down new boards. Some people hear that it’s easy to install, get careless and then go on to make these mistakes:

Mistake 1: Not Prepping The Subflooring. Some people see imperfections in their subflooring and think, ‘It’s fine; the new flooring will cover it up!’ Well, this might not work out as well as they’d hoped it would. These imperfections can easily make themselves known through your new floor. Ignoring your subflooring’s flaws could result in new flooring that’s uneven or flawed in some way. 

Mistake 2: Trying To Rush The Job. Just because installing sheet vinyl flooring is considered ‘easier’ than other flooring options doesn’t mean you can do it in a short amount of time. People hear ‘easy installation’ and think they can knock out the job quickly, and they may become careless as they rush to finish the work.

This will result in reckless mistakes that are frustrating to fix. 

Mistake 3: Not Aligning The Planks Correctly. You want your new flooring to be gorgeous, so the flooring planks or sheets need to be aligned correctly. Who wants a floor that looks like it was messily slapped together? Careless people may haphazardly put their flooring together without having a plan or an understanding of how it should look. 

Mistake 4: Using Too Much Adhesive. When laying down any kind of flooring, sheet vinyl flooring or not, you must be sure to properly adhere the floor to the subfloor. Otherwise, planks and boards may shift or become undone. 

A key to installing flooring is using the right amount of adhesive – not too much, not too little! Too much adhesive that’s not spread out properly could result in the extra adhesive seeping up around the planks, and too little will be insufficient. 

Mistake 5: Not Properly Reading The Instructions. Some people may think, ‘It’s easy, I can do it myself!’ and toss out the manufacturer’s instructions. Never do this. Even if the job seems straightforward, absolutely always read through the instructions before you start.

Even then, unless you have experience and training, the instructions may seem confusing or hard to follow. 

How To Avoid These Flooring Errors In One Easy Step

Any one of these mistakes, and the many ones we haven’t listed, can turn your floor installation into a disaster. How do you avoid them all?

The answer to that question is simple; leave it to the professionals. Experts will have the tools, knowledge and experience to leave you with exceptional floors that are installed correctly and look fabulous. 

It’s always better to let the trained experts handle your sheet vinyl flooring installation because the entire process will be smoother and faster and have the best results. 

Improve Your New Zealand Property With Gorgeous New Flooring

Speak to us at Colthurst Flooring if you’re interested in getting fantastic new floors for your New Zealand space. We have an excellent range of options, including vinyl flooring, for you to browse through.

We’re happy to provide New Zealanders with excellent products and installation services. Would you like to know more? Please give us a call at 09 988 9630 or visit our website for more information. 

Colthurst Flooring can improve the comfort and aesthetics of any property.